[Tfug] OT: Remote multi-user file services for small group if Apple users

Nathan Hruby nhruby at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 10:18:23 MST 2011

On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 9:54 AM, Louis Taber <ltaber at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> My daughter, Megan is interested in setting up remote file sharing for her
> company, all (five) of them are apple users.  They have about 100GBytes of
> data & about 10Gbytes/month of transfers.  None of them are very technical.
>  It should be redundant & easy to use.   They want to use it as a backup as
> well as file exchange.  It is a small company and would like to keep their
> costs down.
> What hosting service would you suggest?
> What protocol/service would work best?

For super easy DIY, they can use the file sharing support of an Apple
Airport Extreme with an attached USB device which supports AFP and
CIFS.  This might be ideal if the majority of their file transfer
needs are within the same office (it will share via WAN as well).  If
they're all Mac it's highly possibly they have everything they need to
make this happen already just sitting around.  This doesn't solve the
off-site backup requirement, but hey, its is free ;-)

For hosted services, I recommend box.net.  They have a new native mac
client that will handle syncing in the background as well as a very
nice web-based UI.  I think they offer a lot of value-add for actual
company-wide file sharing (locking, version history, etc..) versus
file-depot operations such as dropbox.


nathan hruby <nhruby at gmail.com>
metaphysically wrinkle-free

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