[Tfug] OT: Looking for a Pelican case

Andrew Ayre andy at britishideas.com
Sun Jul 24 02:41:01 MST 2011

They are made very well and you can buy new foam inserts when reusing
them for something else, so they last a long time - probably why you are
not seeing any bargains. I have a large one that has been shipped around
the world several times and is just as good as new.


On 7/24/2011 12:11 AM, Steve B wrote:
> The Phoenix CL has them pop up from time to time. Sadly some of the
> prices are so high they are only $10-20 less than new. I was hoping to
> find one locally either through a pawn shop, or a city, county, UofA or
> DM auction.
> On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 10:34 PM, Robert Hunter <hunter at tfug.org
> <mailto:hunter at tfug.org>> wrote:
>     REI @ Tucson Mall has a bunch of different sizes.  Did you check
>     Phoenix Craigslist?  Pelican cases are very nice, which may explain
>     why you don't see many used ones for sale.:)

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