[Tfug] Down Memory Lane II

keith smith klsmith2020 at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 23 21:20:01 MST 2011


I'm self-employed and have no insurance because it is prohibitively expensive.  Catastrophic insurance for just my wife and I is a minimum of $500 a month.  HMO would be about $1200 a month.

I choose to not have insurance.  I pay out of my pocket as I go.  It cost less and requires some negotiations.

In 1979 I needed 3 stitches and the ER charge was $35.00.  At the time that is what I paid for utilities each month.  Why?  Several reasons.  1) Less government which is the opposite of ObamaCare, 2) A certain class of people were not using the ER as their PCP.  

Can anyone tell me what is in the 2700 page ObamaCare bill that Pelosi said we must pass so we can know what is in it?

Back on topic, in 1979 I think Apple was made in a garage and the case of wood.  


Keith Smith

--- On Sun, 1/23/11, John Gruenenfelder <johng at as.arizona.edu> wrote:

From: John Gruenenfelder <johng at as.arizona.edu>
Subject: Re: [Tfug] Down Memory Lane II
To: "Tucson Free Unix Group" <tfug at tfug.org>
Date: Sunday, January 23, 2011, 8:26 PM

On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 02:26:07PM -0700, Ed Wilson wrote:
>And not have to pay for insurance for those that might have a good excuse
>for not being able to buy insurance!

 Did somebody say uninsurable?

 Me: *raises hand*  Oh, oh!  Here!

 Teacher-crat: Put your hand down.  It's okay if you're uninsurable.  As long
 as we pray for you on Sunday, our collective conscience will be clear.

 Me: Uhh, okay?

And, to back on/off topic:

My first "real" PC was a TI-99/4A with a stack of good cartridges, and the
voice synthesizer modules.  Later we added, via a massive add-on container, a
5.25" floppy drive and a 300 baud modem.  At last, we no longer had to store
data on stupid cassettes.

--John Gruenenfelder    Systems Manager, MKS Imaging Technology, LLC.
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