[Tfug] Need battery monitor for X

Claude Rubinson cjr at grundrisse.org
Thu Aug 11 11:08:18 MST 2011

On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 10:02:58AM -0700, earljviolet at deserthowler.com wrote:
> This is what I needed.  Am now wondering why it didn't show up in Synaptic
> until I got a name for it.  OH, well.

Admittedly, it's been ages since I used Synaptic but last I saw, its
search capabilities were extremely limited.  Better to use aptitude or
apt-cache.  By default, aptitude only searches package names while
apt-cache also searches the package descriptions.  Aptitude's
searching capabilities are very sophisticated (and a bit confusing);
see the full user manual (not just the man page) for details.

For comparison:

cjr at wagner:~$ aptitude search battery|wc -l
cjr at wagner:~$ apt-cache search battery|wc -l
cjr at wagner:~$ aptitude search ~dbattery|wc -l


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