[Tfug] Synchronizing directories.

Matt Jacob matt at mattjacob.com
Fri May 7 14:32:47 MST 2010

On 5/7/10 1:58 PM, John Hubbard wrote:
> directory. Can you comment on whether or not things get any faster after
> it has done its original scan or will it always take that long to run?

Yes, once the initial index is built, subsequent updates shouldn't take 
very long at all. This is not the case if one of the machines involved 
is running Windows, so I recommend you only use Unison on *nix systems.

Also, some other things to consider: a large number of files will slow 
Unison down because it has to examine every inode for changes. If there 
are directories or file types that don't need to be synced, you might 
see a performance increase by ignoring them.

If you have a very active directory that changes frequently, but the 
rest of your stuff doesn't change very often, you should set up a 
separate profile that is limited in scope to just the stuff that changes 

Check out the Unison FAQ, because it goes into greater detail on all of 
these topics:



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