[Tfug] OK, I need one more funky little sed or bash code...

earljviolet at deserthowler.com earljviolet at deserthowler.com
Sat Mar 27 16:51:39 MST 2010

Thanks for the tip, Claude.  I'll do it.
On Sat, March 27, 2010 12:02 pm, Claude Rubinson wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 12:17:23AM -0700, Jim March wrote:
>> I need to find every line that ends with a "{" character and put a
>> new line right above it, exactly like this:
> Jim --
> Do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of O'Reilly's /sed & awk/.  $13
> plus shipping for a used one at Amazon.  They're little languages
> designed for precisely what you're trying to do.  In the meanwhile,
> the beginning of line anchor is ^ and the end-of-line anchor is $, so
> start out with something like:
>     $ awk '/{$/{print}' filename
> and work from there.
> Claude

If you play a Windows install CD backwards it has satanic verses.

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