[Tfug] Re [Horribly off topic] Re: Slightly OT but also funny as [what exactly?]

David Cowell davidwcowell at cox.net
Thu Jun 17 22:22:16 MST 2010

Usually the list is so quiet, or at least quiet in a geeky way. Using
the "H" word and the impulse to restrain others from using the same
seems to have ruffled a lot of feathers on both sides of the aisle.

I find MANY things offensive.

I don't like people badmouthing religion.

On the other hand, I cuss a lot and I don't like people to hush me if
there are no women and children around. (Sexist? Possibly.)

But still, I don't like religionists telling me (as if I have not had
time to think about it even once in my 58 years) that their beliefs will
make my life much, much better.

I don't like people to boss other people around, and I don't like people
"acting low class". (Whatever THAT means.)

So where do I stand on this whole sordid mess? (As if anyone really
cares what *I* think.) (roll:eyes)

Well, Matthew and Paul reminded me that they feel uncomfortable about a
word. I will try to accommodate them... but I won't coddle them.

They certainly have the opportunity to treat email and computers like
some of the Hassidim do: work only, not at home. However, if they want
their kids to have access to the whole world (but only "kosher"), that's
their issue... I think they're being overly imposing (unintentionally, I
would hope) when they ask that the rest of us give a rat sass about
their troubles in keeping a balance between the call of church and the
call of the street.

There is an intrinsic contradiction (by my humble interpretation of the
American tradition) in both believing in freedom and restricting the
majority's normal behavior. Either freely admit that you don't like what
the majority of people do (and that you would forcefully change it if
you could), or put up with it (and freely voice your opinion as Matthew
and Paul have done). Anything else is either stupid or hypocritical as I
see it.

After all, I'm sure that each of us can find something _every day_ to
get DEEPLY offended by. (I do.) That's the price of freedom,
inshallah. ;)

-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Patenaude <mnglfiddle at gmail.com>
Reply-To: Tucson Free Unix Group <tfug at tfug.org>
To: Tucson Free Unix Group <tfug at tfug.org>
Subject: Re: [Tfug] Slightly OT but also funny as [what exactly?]
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2010 22:19:06 +0800

Guys, seriously... my whole family uses the same email box, and none of
us appreciate profanity. If you don't mind, at least don't cuss in the
email subject lines, will you? I don't mean to cause a stink here, but
that much would be appreciated.

[And no, hell is not funny...]

Seriously, thanks.

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