[Tfug] The Word and why I can use it if I want to !

Matt Jacob matt at mattjacob.com
Wed Jun 16 09:59:45 MST 2010

On 6/16/10 9:41 AM, Mike a wrote:
> I would not permit a Muslim to declare my wife a whore in the street for


I thought this horse had died and was beaten repeatedly over the past 
few days, but I guess he's still got some life left in him.

One thing is for certain, though: there must be a huge bridge somewhere 
in Tucson, because a whole bunch of trolls just made a mass exodus back 
to civilization so that they could participate in TFUG discussions. Do 
all you trolls live together in some kind of troll commune so that you 
can realize economies of scale, or what?

Look, you can say whatever you want about 1st Amendment rights or 
whatever else it is you're raging about---honestly, I stopped reading 
after the first sentence. But the fact is, if you're posting on this 
list, you need to abide by the list's AUP, as Jeff has pointed out. If 
that doesn't suit you, go find some other mailing list to annoy.


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