[Tfug] Slightly OT but also funny as hell

christopher floess skeptikos at gmail.com
Tue Jun 15 21:04:51 MST 2010

On 06/15/2010 05:18 PM, keith smith wrote:
> Limiting access?  Censorship?  Interesting.  About 8 years ago a group 
> of us met to discuss formalizing TFUG.  The outcome was no rules and 
> no structure - that was the best way to organize - to not organize and 
> to not do anything formal.
> Over the years we have had debates about what was proper and what was 
> not.
> I do know we have young minds listening in (reading) and learning from 
> us old minds.  We should keep that in mind.
> Since there is no "sheriff" then the towns people will take care of 
> things from time to time.  This is one of those times.  There is a 
> saloon in town and there is a church in town.  Some like the saloon 
> more than church and some are the other way around.  They all make up 
> the community.
> I think what some are saying is if you like the saloon that is your 
> business however please keep that type of activity out of the common 
> areas of the community.   In other words please do not bring your 
> saloon gal into the common areas and start smooching on her.  While 
> most of us have been to the saloon and have smooched on a barfly or 
> two, we have moved onto the church side of the community.
> I think most of us would agree that we must set a good example for 
> those who are looking up to us and will ultimately emulate us.
> I do believe this list is a family list and Linux is a family OS.
Yeah, but I wouldn't put the word "hell" as something that sets a bad 
example and I certainly wouldn't talk about the damaging effects of the 
word "hell" on this list's and linux's status as a family thing.

And I like  you can talk in terms of censorship while framing that 
narrative as that of the morally oriented and those who should keep the 
morally depraved interests in bars and loose women out of the community.

-- Chris

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