[Tfug] Slightly OT but also funny as ?

Jeff Coy jcoy42 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 15 07:00:25 MST 2010

I don't think it was the word hell itself.  They use the word hell in church
all the time.  I think it is that the word hell was used as an example of
something funny/humorous.

I also believe that if you're going to subscribe to a *nix list you should
expect things like this to crop up.  *nix has a long history of dark humor.
Get used to it, or at least make some minimal effort to avoid the problem.

I'm reminded of how my former CEO reacted when I asked her what she would
like to show up when someone fingered her

But anyway, I made a label called tfug and use the following simple filter
in gmail:

      Matches: subject:([Tfug])
      Do this: Skip Inbox, Apply label "tfug"

Now it doesn't show up in my inbox.  It goes off to a label on the side I
can read separately from my regular mail, and I can click back to my inbox
when I'm done reading my tfug email.  Now it's sort of "out of the way".  I

Personally, I would be using separate mailboxes and close my client if I
were worried as well, but the above should at least help.

Or one could just setup a filter that automatically gets rid of messages
that have key words.. gmail filtering system is pretty good and it only
takes a few seconds to setup a new rule.

Having said that, could we move on?

On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 1:23 AM, Malcolm Schmerl <mjs355 at comcast.net> wrote:

> Robert, again well said. It amazes me that there are people out there that
> think their children are so frail that the word 'hell' would be destructive.
> OMG, it's just a word.
> On 06/15/2010 12:45 AM, Robert Hunter wrote:
>> This just keeps getting better, doesn't it?
>> Just for the *hell* of it. let's try to dissect this nonsense.
>> On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 6:10 PM, Matthew Patenaude<mnglfiddle at gmail.com>
>>  wrote:
>>> Chris, I understand your point. The deal is that Gmail tends to be much
>>> easier used as webmail than anything else, therefore the emails don't get
>>> filtered out.
>> You can create Gmail filters with the web-based interface. They will
>> then work, regardless of which client you use to check your mail. You
>> can filter on any number of criteria, including headers, content,
>> attachments, and the list goes on. RTFM to learn how to use filters.
>> And you still haven't explained why you are not using separate
>> accounts.
>>> I would rather not be forced to switch to opening a mail
>>> client all the time just because grown-ups who should know better have so
>>> little character that they get upset because someone simply asks that
>>> they
>>> be more mature in their choice of words *in their subject lines*.
>> Let the ad hominem attacks begin. So, everyone should "know better",
>> and anyone who doesn't share your beliefs lacks "maturity". Is that
>> it? Why don't you cite one reference which supports your claim that
>> word 'hell' is inappropriate in a forum such as this?
>> Please don't misunderstand my point: I'm not saying that I would
>> personally use the word 'hell' without regard for the presence of
>> young children. What I am saying is that in this forum, most of us do
>> not expect that we will be addressing an audience of children.
>> Conversely, I am not criticizing you for letting your kids read your
>> TFUG email.  What you do with your kids in your house is your own damn
>> business. But please don't use that as an excuse to try and censor the
>> rest of us from using language which is, for most people at least, not
>> considered offensive.
>>> like I asked them to modify their language even in their emails
>>> themselves,
>>> but you would think I had asked them to repent and turn to Christ (from
>>> they
>>> way they have responded), which I should have instead of wasting my time
>>> asking them to just be a little considerate. A decent American used to
>>> would
>>> have acknowledged such a simple request as mine... I guess the times,
>>> they
>>> are a changin'!
>> Oh, you had to use the J-bomb, didn't ya? Decent Americans, eh?
>> Excuse me, I think I have to LOL for a bit.
>>> This is my final word on the subject and last request. I will simply try
>>> to
>>> delete emails as quickly as the show up if their subject lines are not
>>> clean. I wonder, however, how long the others will keep this up...
>> ...Apparently, as long as we have nothing better to do than defend our
>> first amendment rights.
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