[Tfug] Setting default permissions on new files

Glen Pfeiffer glen at thepfeiffers.net
Wed Jun 2 11:43:15 MST 2010

I am using NFS to export a directory which I then mount on all my 
boxes. This is a directory for shared files between everyone in 
my household.

The export is done like this:
  /home/files *(rw,no_root_squash)

The mount is done like this:
  servername:/home/files /home/glen/files nfs rw 0 0

I have set the group sticky bit on the root directory like this:
  #chmod g+s files
  #ls -al | grep files
  drwxrws---  16 glen   users   4096 2010-06-02 11:01 files

I set the group sticky bit so that newly added files/directories 
will have the same group as the parent directory instead of the 
users primary group. Like so:

  #touch test
  #ls -al | grep test
  -rw-r--r--  1 glen users         0 2010-06-02 11:26 test

What I would like however, is for the group's write bit to set by 
default as well. So it would look like this:

  -rw-rw-r--  1 glen users         0 2010-06-02 11:26 test

How would I accomplish that? I am aware of umask, but as far as I 
can tell, graphical file managers (nautilus, thunar, etc) do not 
honor that.

I had a similar setup using Samba and autofs, and it had the 
ability to set the default permissions for newly added 
files/directories. But I quickly tired of that setup as it was 
much slower and significantly harder to configure new machines.


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