[Tfug] Stopping repeated login attempts

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 28 11:40:15 MST 2010

Hi Glen,

> I know it from personal experience. Being obscure and not having 
> any services running on standard ports reduces the number of 
> attempts I receive to almost nothing. Obviously, this will not be 
> true for everyone all the time. Which is why it can only be used 
> as one *component* of a complete security policy.
> And no, that's not the only thing I have in place.

I have a gap in my network fabric between routed hosts and this
*one* machine that talks to the outside world.

I don't feel inconvenienced being "forced" to write all my
email from this one machine.  And, I don't feel inconvenienced
when I have to sneakernet a few GB of data from this machine
to some other "internal" machine.

OTOH, I work out of my house so I don't have to worry about
accessing anything "from work", etc.  OTOOH, I have lots of
"stuff" on my machines that could expose me to significant
litigation if it were to be compromised due to negligence
on my part.

I spend $0 and 0 time on "security" and have never had a system
"compromised" in almost 30 years, now.  :>  The idea of having
to "lose" time trying to keep up with the latest set of threats
just doesn't fit with my idea of how I want to work (I'd rather
spend the time that would be spent on this activity doing things
that I *enjoy* -- kinda like NOT having grass in the yard
because mowing it is not something I would enjoy doing!  :> )

Of course, YMMV.



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