[Tfug] linux no longer for amateurs

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 14 22:50:03 MST 2010

Hi Matt,

> Jim. That's not true. It's not so
> much of a bitch, as much as it can be really, REALLY time
> consuming if you've not done it before is all. I build
> custom images all the time while doing tests with app armor
> code on Ubuntu. The Trick is to get the .config nailed down
> and once you have that, you SAVE it FORVER. ;) but really
> once you have that, it's all gravy baby

Under the *BSD's, there is an option to store a TEXT image
of the config file *in* the built kernel (assuming you
accidentally delete ./config/KERNELNAME).  This is a win
as it just adds a few KB to the kernel but gives you an easy
way to recreate the config file *from* a built kernel.


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