[Tfug] What are the best options for virtualization?

Glen Pfeiffer glen at thepfeiffers.net
Mon Aug 23 11:12:55 MST 2010

On 20 Aug 2010, Zack Williams wrote:
> My take is that you use what:
>  A. Works Well
>  B. Meets your performance needs

I have an additional criterion: That all upgrades be fully 
backwards compatible. It takes two days to create an image that 
has all the software on it that I need; creating a new image 
because they changed the format of the file would be disastrous 
for me.

> QEMU comes with a lot of handy utilities for doing physical to 
> virtual conversion - it's the only thing I know of that can 
> take a system image created with dd and boot it or convert it 
> to other virtualization formats.

Thanks for that info - I can see that coming in handy!

> Try stuff out, see how well it works, lather, rinse, repeat...

It's a bit obvious, but good advice regardless.



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