[Tfug] Linux backup

Matt Jacob matt at mattjacob.com
Mon Apr 19 11:45:15 MST 2010

On 4/19/10 11:29 AM, christopher floess wrote:
> But the problem is that I'm not sure how the backups work. If for
> instance I backup files A, B, C in some directory, and then delete A and
> B, and then do another backup, does A and B disappear from the backup as
> well. I think I want version control actually. Something along the lines

If you use the --delete option from my example, then yes. That command 
will basically mirror a local directory on a remote host. As other 
people have pointed out, there are more robust systems built on top of 
rsync that handle things like rotating out backups and storing the 
incremental changes.

FWIW, I recommend and use Jungle Disk for remote backups to Amazon S3. I 
have it set to save all previous versions of a file, and then delete 
them once they become 60 days old. I figure that if I delete something 
and don't realize I need it for 2 months, it probably wasn't very 
important to begin with. ;-) Jungle Disk is probably one of the most 
simple, point-and-click solutions to get started with.

If you don't need/want off-site backups, rsync to an external disk and 
hope you don't encounter a burglar/fire/flood, etc.


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