[Tfug] backups

Claude Rubinson rubinson at u.arizona.edu
Thu Apr 15 14:17:15 MST 2010

On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 10:08:48PM +0200, christopher floess wrote:
> What are you linux desktop users using for backups? I was using
> flyback for a while, but it recently got sort of crappy, so I'm
> looking for something new.

I recommend rsync.  It's drop-dead simple and only transfers the parts
of files that have changed.  You can also have it optionally backup
files that have change (e.g., as a rudimentary form of version
control).  Some people swear by rdiff-backup and that's probably fine

Also, see: http://www.jwz.org/doc/backups.html

The key insight is that you want your backup files to simply be stored
in a filesystem so that they're easy to get to.  Disk space is cheap;
don't tar, compress, or other make your backups difficult to get to.
Similarly, don't make your backups dependent upon an application that
may or may not be available/accessible when you need it.


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