[Tfug] OT: Sim (sp?) card hacking

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 29 11:03:40 MST 2009


--- On Mon, 9/28/09, johngalt1 <johngalt1 at uswest.net> wrote:

> Most people who talk about SIM card
> hacking mean duplicating a SIM card to "get unauthorized service".

Yes. Or, switch their service to another phone, etc.

> Consideration of the Wikipedia article notwithstanding,
> from what I've seen it's not real common to put contacts or
> messages on a SIM unless you are trying to copy them from
> one phone to another.

Ah, OK.  So, the sim is an *impractical* memory (e.g., slow
interface, small size, etc.) for these sorts of things.
Instead, photos, contacts, video clips, ring tones, etc.
are stored "in" the phone?  I.e., the sim card has no
practical value (in my case)
> If you're still interested in messing around with a SIM,
> there are low cost USB interface devices available from the
> cheap ship-to-you-from-hong-kong asian hardware sources. one
> such example is http://www.dealextreme.com/ YMMV

Thanks!  I may look into it just out of curiosity.

> I agree with the poster who suggested howardforums.
> Nevertheless, I have not seen much hacking stuff there
> besides doing subsidy-code unlocking...

Yes, I did a quick visual scan of the sorts of posts
there and it seems more geared towards your earlier comment
re: hacking.

<frown>  Oh, well... I suspect I've already uncovered *enough*
dirt on him...  :-/  (amazing just how easy this is to do!)



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