[Tfug] Hackintosh

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 5 15:26:36 MST 2009

Hi Claude,

--- On Sat, 9/5/09, Claude Rubinson <rubinson at u.arizona.edu> wrote:

> On Sat, Sep 05, 2009 at 10:23:47AM -0700, Bexley Hall
> wrote:
> > IANAL.  But, I *think* that part of this is a necessary requirement
> > if Apple wants to claim copyright protections.  If you don't *defend*
> > your copyright (patent, etc.) then you "lose" it.
> No.  Only trademarks require ongoing enforcement, lest they fall into
> common usage and lose their distinctiveness.

As I said, IANAL.  Defending one's IP *was* an issue with
Patent protection (at least, many MANY years ago).  I had
assumed similar issues applied to other forms of IP.

The same sort of thing holds true for enforcing LAWS.
You can't arbitrarily drag a law out of a book and apply it to
*one* particular individual -- a defense against this is to
show that it has NOT been applied rigorously and that you
are singling out this individual for PERSecution (vs.

But, that doesn't stop folks from *trying*!  :>

> Copyright (which automatically protects anything you create) 
> and patents don't require active enforcement.

I know that *everything* (uttered) is copyrighted.  But, I am
pretty sure that patents need defense lest you lose them
(note international laws may vary on this).

But, IANAL.  I don;t bother with legal protection on most IP
nowadays.  Its just an added expense and diversion that does 
nothing to enhance the quality of your "product".

Fortunately (?), working in embedded systems means most things
that I do require a fair bit of expense to "steal" -- e.g.,
"here's my code but you don't have the hardware to run it on..."
:-/  If folks want to spend $1,000 to reinvent the same piece
of hardware instead of *buying* it for $100... <shrug>  who am
*I* to stop them?!  ;-)

> For something F/OSS-related about trademark enforcement,
> see this
> article from this week's LWN.net about Fedora struggling to
> figure out
> how to protect its mark.  It's a good read.
> http://lwn.net/SubscriberLink/349964/01dce2c655d0b4a6/.
> Claude
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