[Tfug] FTP server with proftpd - HELP, IT'S POSSESSED!!!

Jim March 1.jim.march at gmail.com
Sat Oct 3 00:06:27 MST 2009

On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 11:26 PM, Jordan Aberle <jordan.aberle at gmail.com> wrote:
> Filesystem problem?  wierd symbol in the directory path?  permissions?

Meh.  Finally got it sorted.  Still not quite sure how :).

What I ended up with...well, there's now a small law office where
anybody can walk up to this huge copier, put up to 100+ pages in, hit
the "data" button, pick a resolution (default is 200x200dpi, 400x400
and 600x600 are options), hit "address book", hit a customized "server
storage" button, and the paper gets turned into a single PDF file up
at the office server.  They then go there from any PC in the office,
go to the network drive letter and directory, rename the .PDF, move it
over to a directory created for each client.  Much faster than what
they were doing.  Underneath, it's the printer talking to an FTP
service running on the office Ubuntu file server, which passes the
data to Windows clients via Samba.

They're lovin' it :).

I had already given the printer a static IP address and made it a
network printer, and by going to the IP addy of the
printer/scanner/copier I can configure the FTP transmit service,
customize the onboard LCD user interface, etc.

Pretty slick.  Printer is an Imagistics (Pitney Bowes) im3510.  It's
mono, but aside from that it's a damned impressive device for 2003
tech.  Probably worth about a grand used today, if it has the Ethernet
interface option as this one obviously does...

Oh, and naturally the vendor wanted $500 for software that "automated"
the process of making the scanned PDFs available to Windows
workstations.  Screw that...just had to sudo apt-get the right stuff
at the server for free, configure it, I explained roughly what I'd
just done to grab free software and set up a solution, they're beyond
merely "happy".


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