[Tfug] FS: Sun Netra X1

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 17 13:59:50 MST 2009

Hi Jon,

--- On Mon, 11/16/09, Jon <bigj at voipmogul.com> wrote:

> I haven't booted this thing up in
> ages. Without powering it up (cause I'm lazy) I'm going to
> go off my memory and say it's a 500 MHZ CPU and at least 256
> megs of RAM and a 10 Gig HD.. $40 takes it. Pick up only.
> If anyone wants more info email me off the list. Thanks,
> guys/gals.

IIRC, the Netra is the same as the U1?  If so, I think
I have a memory kit FTGH (perhaps 1GB?)  I can probably
also provide a couple of 18 or 36G drives (SCA?) for it.



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