[Tfug] WorldCare suggestions?

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 10 16:26:31 MST 2009

Hi, Jim,

> > The building is located directly in DM's flight path
> > so there was fear of a plane coming down (not likely)
> > on the school.  The more practical reason is you
> > can't *hear* when those A10's creep overhead!!
> > (it's amazing that they can fly that slow!)
> A bit OT, but (1) the A10 was designed to fly low-and-slow
> (they're tank killers, designed to linger over the
> European battlefield and duke it out with the Evil

Yes, I'm told that the GAU8 can *drop* the aircraft
out of the sky if you lean on the trigger too long  (?)  :-/

> Empire's tanks), and (2) if you think the A10 is loud,
> wait until they start getting more nextgen aircraft at DM.

I think most of the noise is related to just how *low*
they are flying as they pass over the school.  It makes
you think twice about what it must be like to be a 
"civilian" in a place like Iraq!  :<  At least at WC
you are reasonably sure they *won't* be firing!  :>


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