[Tfug] OT: Windows "Tracking Software"

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 4 07:22:46 MST 2009

Hi, Brian,

> >> It's actually true though... it's very difficult nigh
> >> impossible to really, truly declare a system "safe" after a
> >> good spyware/malware infection... in any kind of environment
> >> where secure data is used on such a machine a wipe and
> >> reinstall is usually the safest approach, in my experience...
> >
> > *LOL*! You *missed* the *joke*. *Brian* was poking *fun* at the
> > *overuse* of asterisks. *And*, *I* was *playing* along.
> *Glen*, I don't know what *you* are talking about.  I
> was just *trying* to give *good* advice. ;)

<grin>  Unfortunately, I spend most of my day writing in
various markup languages -- so, I routinely decorate "plain
ASCII" text in similar fashion.

And, I correspond with several blind/visually impaired folks
who must rely on screen-readers to read their email.  If
you've ever used one more than "as a toy", you would realize
how tiring they can become (they can't get prosody/inflection
right).  [annoying to consider that this is where *most* of
us are headed!]  You'll note my overuse of *all* punctuation
as it biases the screen-readers to speak more naturally.

If you've ever spoken to someone proficient in ASL, you'll
see that they sign even when speaking with "hearing"
people.  It's easier for you (me) to hone those skills
if you keep using them regardless of whether or not they
are necessary.



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