[Tfug] WorldCare suggestions?

Paul Steinbach MIS at samlevitz.com
Mon Mar 2 14:14:12 MST 2009

We just got a online catalog working for WorldCare to organize and 
display donated product for sale to outside parties.  It is only working 
internally at present but will be shared soon.  Thanks to SimplyBits for 
all their support.

I sort of volunteered to coordinate the handling of server-type 
donations.  I will try to spend one morning a week cataloging, testing, 
loading, parting out, etc.  My question is for every TFUG'er who has 
purchased there or wanted to purchase there.  What suggestions do you 
have  about maximizing the recycling of the product and the amount of 
revenue received for WorldCare?  What kinds of things would you strongly 
consider purchasing there?  What would you not consider purchasing 
there?  Are you more likely to get whole systems or components?  Fully 
configured or barebones?  More likely to be work purchases or personal?  
Esoteric fun stuff or basic functional stuff?

I throw this out to the group for comments but you can reply offline if 
you wish.

In the interest of full disclosure, SLF uses a fair number of recycled 
servers from WorldCare.  Call this volunteer project enlightened self 

Paul Steinbach
MIS Manager
Sam Levitz Furniture

E-mail: MIS at samlevitz.com
Phone:  520.624.7443 X2571
Cell:   520.247.5730

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