[Tfug] Apple Mac OS X: tool of Godless Darwinists and Communist / TROLL ALERT?

Paul Scott waterhorse at ultrasw.com
Tue Jun 23 08:51:19 MST 2009

Malcolm Schmerl wrote:
> Bingo! Personally, I think that our only chance for an accurate sense 
> of the Universe lies with the physicists and astronomers 

Even though they keep getting closer there are "supernatural" areas that 
science can never prove than have been known for a long time.  The 
problem with science is that it can really only deal with stuff that it 
thinks it can measure.  A good scientist will admit they can't prove 
cause and effect but can only show correlation.

> and not with the theologians.

Those aren't the only two categories of thinkers.  For example, I 
wouldn't consider Deepak Chopra a theologian or exactly a scientist.

> 'Beliefs' are just the end of thought. If you believe in something, 
> you've accepted it and no longer have to think about it beyond a 
> continual justification for your belief which masks all doubt. Getting 
> others to follow your belief is part of that justification process. 
> Shunning others who do not follow is also part of that process. This 
> is the saddest part of irrational belief.

True!   It is said "The truth believed is a lie."

Paul Scott

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