[Tfug] WRT54G (et al.) hacking

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 10 12:11:43 MST 2009

Hi, Jeremy,

[Gee, I feel bad that I don't have an optics poser for you!  :> ]

> > Is anyone *intimately* familiar with the hardware on
> > these beasts?  My understanding is that they appear
> Intimately familiar, no. But I did come within a keystroke
> of bricking mine a while back. Currently back to running the 
> default firmware, but I can try one of the wrt distros again.
> Are you developing something cool for it?

First, I want to turn one into a bastion host and fold the "inner"
firewall into it.  Once I get that running, I'd like to extend
it to handle media services.  The older models seem best suited
to this.

I'm not (yet) convinced that this is a good platform (in terms
of the actual hardware supported) so I don't want to waste
a lot of time chasing something that won't work  :-/ 

> Sorry, not much help at the moment, but I may have time to
> reinstall this weekend and poke around.

I've already played with a few "alternate images" for them.
But, they all basically do the same thing.  Just different
opinions as to *how* to do it.

I need to see if the hardware can be taken in a different
direction.  Or, how *far* it can be taken in a different
direction before it breaks  :-/



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