[Tfug] Slightly OT: Cheap on-line backup

Matt Jacob matt at mattjacob.com
Fri Jul 31 14:39:28 MST 2009

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 1:59 PM, Jeff Breadner<jeff at breadner.ca> wrote:
> I use DreamHost (dreamhost.com), so they provide web hosting, email
> (which can optionally be mapped to GMail using your own domain, which
> I recommend).  They provide unlimited disk usage and traffic in the
> neighbourhood of 2TB/month I think, along with a real SSH account on a
> Debian box.

I'm surprised they're still pushing the "unlimited" plans. Or, I guess
I'm surprised more people haven't taken them to task for promising
something they can't deliver. Resources are not unlimited. Disk space
is finite. Bandwidth might be "unlimited", but pushing
hundreds/thousands of gigabytes across plans that people are paying
$10/mo for isn't exactly profitable.

I'm sure Dreamhost politely asks customers to leave once they start
climbing towards the break-even point.


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