[Tfug] keyboard layout

christopher floess skeptikos at gmail.com
Mon Jul 27 12:49:05 MST 2009

> Research the DontZap option for ServerFlags
> Section "ServerFlags"
>       Option          "DontZap"               "yes"
> EndSection

Thanks a lot. While researching this, I found a pretty big debate
about weather or not to disable "zapping" by default in Fedora. In the
end I guess they decided to do it, and I think that Jaunty has it
disabled too. Some of the people who weren't in favor of it, decided
that the patch opensuse used was a good compromise. There you have to
hit ctrl+alt+backspace two time in a 2 second period to bail out of X.

I actually like this too, and I think I'm going to see if I can get my
hands on the patch so that I might be able to incorporate it into an
ArchLinux package. Anyone have any idea about where to get the sources
for the opensuse packages? I know where to get the packages, but a
quick google search hasn't yielded the patch.

I'll keep searching ~ Chris

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