[Tfug] Need help finding a distro

Paul Scott waterhorse at ultrasw.com
Sat Jul 18 12:04:19 MST 2009

earljviolet at deserthowler.com wrote:

Are you back?
> I work at World Care checking out III computers for the store.  We sold
> some computers with Ubuntu 7.10 installed.  Things were working fine.  The
> 7.10 repositories are now closed.
> I went to Ubuntu 8.04 because it is LTS.  It worked great.  I set up a few
> with a Cisco Wireless card and they worked fine too.  These machines are
> PIII 800+ with 385 MB memory.
> In going to 8.04 we encountered a problem.  Plugging a different monitor
> brings the video down.  Not just to 800x600 but to totally unusable.  OK,
> switch to a console and run 'sudo dpkg -reconfigure -phigh xserver -xorg';
> that always works. 

Not if 8.04 is using Hal which pretty well doesn't use xorg.conf.  When 
Hal is running well switching monitors would only need restarting X

Paul Scott

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