[Tfug] Browser based UI's

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 17 16:53:29 MST 2009

Hi Joshua,

> I think those questions are too general to address- depends on the
> application.  A PL is a function of its design goals, history, and the
> environment in which it was born.

Excellent point (and followup thereon)!

> Java was initially intended to live in the browser.

*Was* it?  I honestly don't know because I never followed Java
as it is too bloated for most of the things I do.  But, I recall
Sun made a couple of machines that ran Java "natively" -- so,
Sun must have thought it was a viable application platform
without the browser (?)

> C was initially intended to provide platform
> independence.  Assembler was initially designed to
> make programming easy.

(this last statement is actually amusing -- I guess you would have
had to have "been there" to appreciate the humor fully!)



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