[Tfug] Ummm...need a little bit of router config help...

Jim March 1.jim.march at gmail.com
Fri Jul 3 15:59:20 MST 2009


I've successfully built a webserver (hosting Zoneminder camera images
and feed) for a friend's local business.  First time I've ever done
this :).  It's on their local net off an Actiontek "basic home router"
(Qwest DSL).

I've given the camera server box a static IP address, and told the
router to do static IPs from on up (DHCP below that for
wireless clients).  If I put my laptop on the WiFi net and go to the
camera server IP of I can see the Zoneminder console
web-page, look at camera feeds, etc.  Works great.

I told the router to forward port 80 to  On the camera
server, pulling up whatismyipaddress.com shows that (for now at least)
IP is  (The camera server has working full internet
access - I had to rip out networkmanager to do static IPs manually
under Xubuntu Intrepid.)

BUT, whoops, if I try and connect to from a computer
outside of the local net (using my laptop and a Verizon cellular
modem) I can't get squat.  My understanding is that it should work at
this point, right?  Router should forward port 80 to local

Is it possible Zoneminder is using a different port?  I doubt it...a
Windows machine on the local net can go to and get the ZM
console without specifying a port number.

I realize I'm going to have to use something like DynDNS to make this
work long-term...as in, the next time the router resets and scoops up
a different address.  But in the meantime, this step should work,

Any idea what I've missed here?



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