[Tfug] Routers

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 31 04:00:35 MST 2009

Hi, Tyler,

> I have flashed my WRT54GS with DD-WRT and it works really
> nicely. The nice thing is the WRT54GS is a bit cheaper than the
> WRT54GL.

IIRC, the "S" was for some sort of "enhanced throughput" (?).
But, I don't think this was an "n" enhancement.  Rather,
just a regular "g" protocol but maybe some on-the-fly

I.e., is the only *real* difference between a 54G and 54GS
just the firmware?  If so, it should be possible to reflash
a G to this GS capability (though I would imagine the
images are watermarked so the *stock* firmware upgrade
mechanism might balk at the GS's image -- i.e. a completely
arbitrary? restriction requiring a JTAG work-around...)



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