[Tfug] installation problems fedora 9

Linux Media linuxmedia2 at aim.com
Tue Jan 13 13:33:33 MST 2009

christopher floess wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 2:59 PM,  <doug1 at email.arizona.edu> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>  I am still having installation problems with Fedora 9. What happens is that the
>> CD-ROM runs for a long time and then I get a error message this happens randomly
>> .The .iso files download fine according to sha1sum, I use a freeware image
>> burning software called ImgBurn. I have a copy of fedora 2 that installs fine
>> on the machine, but then when I try to use yum from that version it doesn't
>> work it cant find the URL it needs.
>> someone help me please
> Well, I have a copy of fedora 7 from which I think you could upgrade
> to 9. It's really the best I can offer.
> It's a dvd, if you want it ~ Chris

I see from your post after this one that you don't have a DVD drive. But 
if you want to invest in one, I would take the offer to have a copy of 
the fedora 7 DVD. I have been running fedora 7 for a long time and am 
very happy with it. I have been very skeptical of anything past fedora 7 
(but that's from the perspective of someone that's focused on audio 
recording and Planet CCRMA (audio distribution built on top of fedora)). 
I installed fedora 9 once and went right back to fedora 7.

You could probably do well with just fedora 7 (no upgrade) but you can 
certainly try the upgrade also. But as I say... I'm skeptical of 
anything beyond fedora 7.

As far as fedora 2... there probably isn't a URL. I'm sure fedora 2 is 
just not supported anymore (they're at 10 now).

Whichever version you install, make sure that after the install you run 
(as root)...
yum upgrade


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