[Tfug] Some news in hackintosh circles..

Shawn Nock nock at nocko.net
Tue Feb 10 19:15:23 MST 2009

A cute and accurate description of the progress of technology. I agree
completely. This also happens to be a pretty good argument against
software patents... Can you imagine a Xerox patent for "the rendering
of graphics to a CRT terminal" back in the day?


2009/2/10 Bowie J. Poag <bpoag at comcast.net>:
> It won't...and can't, and shouldn't.  That's how things evolve. Technology
> moves in whatever direction and co-opts whatever medium is advantageous to
> it at any given moment. If it weren't Jobs visiting Xerox PARC, it would
> have been someone else. If it weren't for Gates ripping off Gary Kildall, it
> would have been someone else. The events themselves are unimportant. Plus or
> minus any of them, we'd be in the same situation, except instead of
> complaining about Windows, we'd be complaining about flaky GEM is in Atari
> TOS 2008 Edition is, or about how our Commodore C4096's custom chips can't
> keep pace with what Evergreen is coming out with when it comes to memexing
> the grid. Thank god Intel went out of business back in '89 when the 486
> flopped.
> It ceases to be stealing when what you steal has no worth.
> Judd Pickell wrote:
>> That was kind of my point.. Where does it stop? ;)
>> On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 10:24 AM, Bowie J. Poag <bpoag at comcast.net
>> <mailto:bpoag at comcast.net>> wrote:
>>    ...and Xerox ripped off Sutherland's Sketchpad, and Von Neumann's
>>    Memex.
>>    Judd Pickell wrote:
>>        I find that a funny statement, since isn't everyone with a
>>        visual OS ripping off Xerox?
>>           Who knows...witth their bread and butter gone, maybe they'll go
>>           back where they belong..... ripping off CP/M and writing BASIC
>>           interpreters. :)
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Shawn Nock (OpenPGP: 0x4744488F)
nock at nocko.net

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