[Tfug] SUN monitors at World Care

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 8 06:54:01 MST 2009

> The cables that allow these to be used on standard (read:
> old, now..) PC video cards are incredibly rare. Not only is

Nonsense!  You just have to know where to look, who to ask,
etc.  :>  I've usually been able to find any of the oddball
Sun cables (e.g., "Classic" to MII) with two or less emails.
My favorites are the short (8"?) Sun branded cables.

> 13W3 long dead, there are multiple 13W3 pinouts that vary
> from manufacturer to manufacturer. Simply having a 13W3 to

Yes.  Sun, SGI, Apple and IBM all released 13W3 products.
Usually the biggest problem is suuport for SoG.

> HD15 cable is no guarantee you'll get a picture. I
> should know, I have probably owned every spare Sun
> 13W3-to-HD15 cable in the state of Arizona at some point. I
> travelled, literally, a hundreds of miles, to every possible
> business you can think of, from office supply outfits to
> copper recycling plants to find them.

A post here would have saved you some gas money!  ;-)
> The Sun monitors are probably GDM-20E20's, which are
> rebadged Sony Trinitron tubes. Really nice displays,
> probably the highpoint of multisync analog phosphor. Sun
> says in their specs that they can do a max of 1024x768,
> which is total marketing bullshit.. Not only can they do
> 1024x768, they can do 1152x864, 1280x1024, and even can do
> 1792x1344 when pushed. A higher resolution than the 22"
> widescreen Viewsonic I currently use.

The 24" widescreen Suns are even nicer -- but much heavier
and gettng more than two on a desk is problematic!


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