[Tfug] OT - PC Autostart Hardware

Jim Secan jim at nwra.com
Tue Feb 3 16:19:26 MST 2009

Looks like good info.  We had been using a heartbeat rebooter (in a  
previous Windoze version of the system) that caused more problems than  
it solved.  I ended up disabling the beast and running a simple ping- 
based script from a Linux box with a tie-in to a network power  
switch.  No ping response or no data coming in, cycle the power.  I'd  
like to take the second box and the network power switch out of the  
loop.  I can't watch for OS hangs that way, but those are far less a  
problem than process and receiver-handoff hangs.

James Secan
NorthWest Research Associates, Inc
2455 E. Speedway Blvd, Suite 204
Tucson, AZ  85719
(520) 319-7773 (phone and FAX)

On Feb 3, 2009, at 4:13 PM, Robert Hunter wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Jim, I think we had a similar thread about this at one point in the
> past.  Someone else mentioned the use of a add-on board to manage
> systems.  I also found this Wikipedia article that may have some
> useful information:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Out-of-band_management

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