[Tfug] linux to windows web host

Jeff Breadner jeff at breadner.ca
Tue Dec 29 14:42:43 MST 2009

Nathan England wrote:
> Hello Hello,
> I have a large (150k+ lines) web application I've developed for internal use 
> in a non-profit. I currently run it on a linux distro developed and maintained 
> by myself specifically for my web applications and several other things. My 
> current employer is not very linooks friendly and wants it running on a 
> windows server 2003 machine. Currently, I utilize apache, php, perl, openldap, 
> mysql, maybe some others and all the libraries needed for php-ldap, php-mysql 
> and ... you get the idea. All the wonderful stuff us linux guys take for 
> granted.
> So, I'm wondering. The rationale behind moving it to a windows system is 
> simply for backup purposes, so they say, regardless, I'm the employee so I 
> need to make this happen. 
> Should I ... ?
> (A) install VirtualBox on this machine, load my linux and everything else onto 
> that and go to town...
> (B) install cygwin and everything I need in that and fix anything that gets 
> borked....
> (C) Install apache, mysql, perl, php and others? in windows natively and hope 
> for the best... 
> I would like opinions as well as any useful info you might be able/willing to 
> contribute!
> Nathan

I vote for the virtual machine route; it's the least effort on your 
part, they can back up the VM configuration and hard drive from Windows 
so it satisfies their requirements, and if you get a manger at some 
future time who is more *NIX friendly then you can migrate to a physical 
machine easily.

I'd consider VMware too, but it's what you're comfortable with.


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