[Tfug] RDP

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 29 14:19:39 MST 2009

Hi Jeff,

> > Hmmm... no "Remote" tab under Control Panel | System.  Are
> > you sure that applies to W2KS and not just XP (or, possibly
> > W2K3?)
> > 
> > However, Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Terminal
> > Services Configuration has settings that appear to pertain
> > to RDP.  And, C P | Admin Tool | Terminal Services Manager
> > shows RDP-Tcp enabled ("listening") on this machine.
> Sorry about that, those instructions were for W2k3, I

10,073 lashes with a wet noodle!!

> didn't check my reference machine closely enough. 
> There's two flavors of terminal services, the full-blown
> one you need special licensing for, but every Server edition

Correct.  I sidestepped that during installation by
selecting the "remote administration" mode.

> should allow up to two remote desktop sessions for 'remote
> administration' purposes.  I think in W2k you can
> enable this by just having some of the terminal services
> software installed, Add / Remove Programs >  Add /
> remove windows components > Terminal Services > Enable
> Terminal Services (leave "Client Creator Tools" unchecked).

Yes, already done.
> If / when this is installed, go to Control Panel >
> Administrative Tools > Terminal Services Configuration
> > Server Settings, ensure Terminal server mode is "Remote
> Administration".

> Given what you describe though, with ports in listening
> mode, this is likely already done.  Can you telnet to
> TCP/3389 from another machine on the network and connect to
> that port?  If the ports are already listening then
> this devolves into a firewall / networking issue.

Telnet'ing makes a connection -- but leaves me with
essentially a blank screen (i.e., I have no idea what
the expected data stream/protocol would be)

Is there a W2KS *client* that I can use to test this?

> > Yes, but i would want to be setting up the server end (xrdp?)
> > on the NetBSD box (i.e., to use these appliances as clients)
> I responded initially because I thought this was a question
> about running an RDP client on Linux/UNIX, which I do all


> the time; I'm completely unfamiliar with xrdp, but it sounds
> like it's the way for you to proceed.  I'll play around

Yes.  But, it will require a bit more work making sure I
can still use X on that machine as well as xdm(1) for
my X terminals while also enabling this RDP stuff...
(hence the reason I wanted to "start small")

> with it when I get some time, it sounds interesting.

Thanks!  I'll keep poking at the server to see if I can
coax a client into talking with it.  Windows just has so
many "foreign" mechanisms for doing things... domain
servers, WINS, etc.  :-/


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