[Tfug] Audio client

Zack Williams zdwzdw at gmail.com
Sun Dec 27 16:48:10 MST 2009

> If I chose to implement this using a broadcast technology,
> then this wouldn't be as problematic.  The data for *every*
> client would appear on the wire at (roughly) the same time.
> (i.e., let each client filter out that portion of each
> packet that it is interested in -- e.g., "Left Front" vs.
> "center", etc.)

That's what I'd do - make each packet contain a slice of data for each channel.

BTW, I'd try using an existing encapsulation method for the data if possible.

Also, as it's not likely you're going to need to route the audio, you
could do away with the IP level and run on straight ethernet, similar
to how  Gibson's MaGIC protocol works:

- Zack

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