[Tfug] OT: easily reloaded windows machine

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 13 18:24:05 MST 2009

Hi Eric,

> > I was tickled to see how well it worked!  A bit disheartened
> > that it really could be intimidating for The Clueless to use
> > but, I think with a good set of "accompanying notes", it could
> > work for the folks I have in mind (I have the advantage of
> > having the hardware that they will use at my disposal so I
> > can document *exactly* what things should look like instead of
> > simply The General Case).
> >
> > I'll try it on one of my NetBSD boxen and then a Slowaris box
> > just to see how versatile it really is.
> Cool! Glad to see it worked. Clonezilla makes use of
> PartImage, ntfsclone and partclone (or dd at the very worst case) to
> actually "do the lifting" and image the partitions, so you could try to
> see if PartImage or partclone support NetBSD/Solaris first (total
> stab in the dark here: are they UFS based?)

I don't imagine I'll have any problems.  The (older) Windows
machines are the real PITAs as they don't support *real*
"backups" (without adding some silly application)

> Worst case Clonezilla can just use dd, but that's terribly
> inefficient
> because all the bits are copied over, including empty
> space. At least
> PartImage and ntfsclone are smart enough to note the free
> space and not just blindly image

Next I will see how well it handles restoring an image to a
*larger* medium (and extending the file system in the process).


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