[Tfug] Slightly OT crypto question (WiFi/WPA)

Tyler Kilian vaca at grazeland.com
Sun Dec 13 10:54:26 MST 2009


On Dec 13, 2009, at 10:22 AM, David Rice wrote:

> I think that's a good password for dictionary attacks, but if your  
> really concerned about other attacks then you need to log  
> authentication attempts and alert on some sort of threshold of bad  
> attempts, Long passwords won't cover deauthentication attacks, this  
> is were you force the client to disconnect and you capture the  
> authentication attempt, the brute force that using rainbow tables  
> offline. So I would also hard code the mac addresses that you trust  
> if your really worried about it.
> On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 9:51 AM, Jim March <1.jim.march at gmail.com>  
> wrote:
> Folks,
> We all set up and run WiFi routers once in a while so this only  
> slightly off-topic.
> Dictionary attacks against WPA security are on the rise.  The  
> latest trend:
> http://news.techworld.com/security/3208347/new-cloud-hacking- 
> service-steals-wi-fi-passwords
> Throw enough MIPS at it, it'll break.
> At this point, it still appears unlikely something like  
> "5435GDS5YHFHJF37GFBA" will fall any time soon.  While "thesaurus"  
> is meat for the beast.  My question is, what about:
> ithinktucsonreallysucks
> ?
> In other words, phrases of that sort that contain dictionary words,  
> but are not themselves in any possible dictionary.
> How secure are they as compared to really randomized passwords?
> Thanks,
> Jim
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