[Tfug] Memtest question

earljviolet at deserthowler.com earljviolet at deserthowler.com
Mon Dec 7 14:46:20 MST 2009

On Mon, December 7, 2009 12:26 pm, Bexley Hall wrote:
Hi, Don,

>> One is a Dell Poweredge 500 SC with I GB ECC memory. 
>> I just began setting this one up as a small printer and file
>> server.  Memtest shows problems immediately.  Is this a problem
>> with EDD memory and Memtest?
> What do you mean by "problems"?  Is it complaining of a bad
> address, range of addresses, can't see *any* memory, etc.?

It is a problem as described in the link provided by Adrian.  It shows an
error on the last memory addresses and going to 512 MB shows the same type
of problem.

>> The other is a P4 with DDR memory.  It doesn't
>> indicate errors but only
>> runs to 20% of the testing and locks.  I have uptimes
>> of 4 or 5 days with
>> this machine.  There is an occasional total lock up
>> with DVDs using VLC;
>> this is usually with a bad DVD.  Could this be the DDR
>> memory?
> Does it lock up with any *other* apps?
No, just Memtest and VLC with a bad DVD.  If I kill VLC immediately no
lock up.  I'll change memory sticks and see what happens.  I don't reach
full memory or full CPU capacity in normal use.  I can't switch to a
console to shutdown.

> I have mixed opinions about the Dells I've seen come into WC.
> An alarming number of them have had bad caps.  At first, I thought
> this was confined to consumer desktops machines.  But, I have been
> seeing it on the servers as well.  (E.g., the PE2500's all have
> had this problem).
> It might be worth taking a good visual look at the machine before
> you spin your wheels chasing problems.  The bulk decoupling around
> the CPU is a prime candidate as the operating temperature in that
> area is typically higher *and* the ripple currents as well.
> If bad caps are found, unless you are terribly fond of the
> machine, off to WT with it (recapping is just too much work
> and far too easy to lift foils).

The machine that is locking up is a no-name P4 with an intel MoBo.

The caps look OK.  I brought it home to test; we have more at WC and I
want to test before putting in the store.  A good vacation project and a
chance to learn about servers.

I'll use my Sun machines when I get them out of storage.  It takes a while
to empty a 10x5 storage shed with a my recumbent trike and trailer.


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