[Tfug] Ubuntu Arizona Installfest

John Crawford johnc4510 at cox.net
Sun Aug 2 19:32:41 MST 2009


On August 29th, the Ubuntu Arizona team will hold an installfest in 
Tucson. We haven't locked down the exact location yet, but we should 
have that firmed up this next week.

We would supply pre-burned Ubuntu CDs for give away and of course people 
to help with the installs. Your group would also be free to distribute 
any other Linux distribution along with ours.

Our goal is not only to promote Ubuntu, but to promote the state LUGs 
and SIGs to further promote open source computing in Arizona.

I hope tfug will be interested in this joint event to promote an 
alternate way of computing in Arizona.

Please respond to this email, or you can email me directly at 
johnc4510 at ubuntu.com


John Crawford
aka johnc4510 in IRC

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