[Tfug] Scripting Question

Glen Pfeiffer glen at thepfeiffers.net
Sat Apr 18 10:31:01 MST 2009

On Sat Apr 18, 2009 at 03:12:13AM -0700, Choprboy wrote:
> That starts to resemble something "safe". If your need some 
> very specific repeatable task it may be fairly easy:
>     #!/bin/bash
>     # script.sh - Mount and copy backup data
>     /bin/mount /dev/sdb1 /backup_drive && /bin/cp -r /data/backup /disk1 
> && /bin/umount /backup_drive

Thanks for the very informative post Adrian!

> As for the binding a key to an action, that can be done as 
> well. How that works depends on what environment you apply it 
> (i.e. in a console shell, on the terminal, or in 
> KDE/Gnome/etc.). I will leave that explanation to someone who 
> has actually done that before.

To the OP:
What window manager or desktop environment or terminal emulator 
are you using?


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