[Tfug] OT: HDTV

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 25 17:31:15 MST 2008

Hi, Jeff,

> <bexley401 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Don't know if I should join the folks wheeling out
> those big
> > sets from the Costco warehouse -- or *pity* them!  :-/
> Join them.. remember, you can return stuff to Costco if it
> breaks. ;)

I think that only applies to "inifant mortality"  ;-)
I suspect they would frown on you returning a $1K product
2 years after the sale!  :<
> I'm happy with my recent 1080p LCD front projector purchase (not from
> Costco), but it doesn't have a tuner in it, so that won't help you.

Yeah, and I was specifically asking about "LCD TV's" and the
potential problems that *seem* inherent in that sort of design
(e.g., all the power/HV required for the backlights)

> Used the $40 coupon to buy a converter box for my 27"
> Sony Wega CRT tv....

How has *that* been?  Many of the repair forums (fora?) that
I watch have had unkind things to say about "Wega" (not sure if
there are specific models that are problems, etc.)

I guess I'll keep poking around and see what turns up re: LCD
TV failure modes/rates...



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