[Tfug] Gates-Rockefeller eugenics projects

Jim Secan jim at nwra.com
Fri Sep 12 13:00:03 MST 2008

At 12:55 PM 09/12/2008 -0700, you wrote:
>There's nothing wrong with a seed bank.  You don't need to be afraid
>of a bunch of plumbers and electricians (masons).

OK, can't resist it being Friday and all...

Not be afraid of plumbers???  Have you recently had to PAY a plumber to do

Be very afraid.

| Jim Secan           | Northwest Research Assoc, Inc |
| (jim at nwra.com)      | 2455 E. Speedway, Suite 204   |
| (520) 319-7773      | Tucson, Arizona 85719         |

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