[Tfug] OT A word of thanks

eric christian ericdanc at alice-dsl.net
Thu Oct 9 11:28:32 MST 2008

eric christian schrieb:
> Jon schrieb:
>> eric christian wrote:
>>> bpoag at comcast.net schrieb:
>>>> I want to be the guy who falls off the bow railing and hits the 
>>>> propellers on the way down. Beats freezing to death or drowning. :)
>>>>  -------------- Original message ----------------------
>>>> From: eric christian <ericdanc at alice-dsl.net>
>>>>> Tim Ottinger schrieb:
>>>>>> Jon wrote:
>>>>>>>> "Perception is reality". He "perceived" some businesses as being
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> I'm and old guy.  I've gotten used to expecting less and it's made 
>>>>>> me more mellow.  Relaxing and thinking through things helps me 
>>>>>> more than ranting about other people's lack of sensitivity to my 
>>>>>> problems. I get further, and make more friends along the way.  I 
>>>>>> burn fewer bridges too.
>>>>> you guys are quibbling on the Titanic. FED is private bank of 
>>>>> Rothschilds/Rockefellers since 1913; Treasury is private (Goldman 
>>>>> Sachs) since 2008. We just hit an iceberg of 1.5 $quadrillion. Its 
>>>>> imploding.  ec
>>> Nobelean economist Joseph Stiglitz predicted this 2008 planned implosion
>>> designed by the NWO. Google "panic 1909". This was a phase in Jakob
>>> Schiff's (Rothschild agent from Frankfurt/Main) plan in setting up their
>>> FED 1913. Schiff was a sharp cookie. Now, they're sucking every pension
>>> and every other reserve dry; they're going after solvent banks and other
>>> (still) solvent institutions etc. I've allready explained their end 
>>> game. EC
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>> It's not enough you are OT but you take an OT thread and go OT with 
>> it. Please stop with this. It truly will be the only warning.
> This (OT) thread was about jobs (or lack there of). There is a lack of 
> jobs because there is an economic panic and real crisis because of the 
> derivatives scheme exploding in their faces as they bursted the motgage 
>  bubble. Or, is there no connection between jobs, economic panic/crisis?
> Is all just a bunch of billard balls with no connection at all?
> Eric


I'm also an old guy. I'm also a kinda busy guy. Right now a 3rd wood 
shed is main project, which is turning into a barn. Bowie was trickreich 
and posted with a CC:, showing, I suppose, that I'm not (really) a 
person on this list. So, busy as usual, i just did a Reply and my posts 
went to him. I'm sure he forwarded these dastardly (I'm just the 
messenger, please don't shoot) posts to you and others. Now, I've had 
problems with my emails going into a black hole. I assumed that this was 
my ISP. Now, I see there are other causes. All is not what it seems to be...

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