[Tfug] Gates father a eugenicist

Jeffry Johnston tfug at kidsquid.com
Wed Oct 1 10:44:05 MST 2008

On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 12:10 AM, eric christian <ericdanc at alice-dsl.net> wrote:
> Why don't *you* prove that
>  the five-digit IBM Hollerith number in Auschwitz 44673 never existed.

In The United States of America, the burden of proof is that the
accuser prove the claim is true, not that the defender prove it is not
true.  Innocent until proven guilty:


So, it is not up to us to prove that "the five-digit IBM Hollerith
number in Auschwitz 44673 never existed" (not that anyone cares), it
is for you to prove that it did.  Of course this is extremely off
topic, so let's not ;)

Oh, and please read these articles.  I think you'll find them very
helpful in your search for truth:


p.s. Full disclosure, since IBM came up... I am employed by IBM, but
I'm speaking only for myself and not on behalf of IBM.

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