[Tfug] Help! Have a server getting it's address via DHCP: need a fixed reference point...

John Kiniston johnkiniston at gmail.com
Sun Nov 30 17:56:10 MST 2008


How about installing and using a dynamic DNS client on both machines  
that will register their IP's under some domain?

that way no matter what the IP is it'll still be in DNS the same?
On Nov 30, 2008, at 5:52 PM, Jim March wrote:

> Folks, this is driving me nuts.
> Even without rebooting this box, it's IP address keeps changing on me.
> So the server access bash scripting I do stops working all too soon.
> The lines I'm doing are:
> sudo mount -t smbfs // /media/client -o
> username=xxxx,password=yyyy
> sudo mount -t smbfs // /media/tmw5 -o
> username=xxxx,password=yyyy
> I have directories at /media/client and /media/tmw5 with proper  
> permissions.
> Note that both server and client machines are Ubuntu yet I can't
> browse the network for the server - that's likely why I have to refer
> to it by IP addy.  Which keeps changing.
> Howinhell do I lock in a given IP addy?  Or failing that, why can't I
> refer to the damnthing by it's own name rather than an IP?
> Heeeeelp!
> Jim
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