[Tfug] Missing text on some programs.

Claude Rubinson rubinson at u.arizona.edu
Mon Nov 24 14:00:16 MST 2008

On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 01:44:26PM -0700, Tyler Nienhouse wrote:
> I have no idea what the problem is, but on some programs, none of the  
> programs text is there. Like in OpenOffice, none of the labels or menu  
> items are there. And in Wine the programs have the same issue. This also  
> happens with Amarok.
> I am currently using LinuxMint 6 (rc1) but this was also happening when  
> I was using Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex.

So this is an Ubuntu-related problem?  (LinuxMint is based off of
Ubuntu.)  Did you do anything funky in your installation?  Generally a
systemic-wide problem like this would be related to your GUI toolkit
but OpenOffice, Wine, and Amarok all use different toolkits, so I'm
not sure offhand where the problem would lie.

Unless somebody on the list immediately knows what's going on, you're
going to need to do some more sleuthing and try to at least localize
the problem before anybody will be able to help you.


p.s.  I wasn't saying that you needed to strip your sig.  Just change
it so that the first line was two dashes plus a space, so that
mailreaders would know that it was a sig.

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