[Tfug] [usergroups at informit.com: User Group Program monthly contest on InformIT]

Claude Rubinson rubinson at u.arizona.edu
Thu Nov 6 01:49:17 MST 2008

If you're interested.  (I cut all of the self-promotion.  If you
really want to follow InformIT on twitter, you can email them.)


--- Forwarded message from "InformIT, User Groups" <usergroups at informit.com> ---

From: "InformIT, User Groups" <usergroups at informit.com>
Date: Wed, 05 Nov 2008 14:31:45 -0500
Subject: User Group Program monthly contest on InformIT
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;

Now that our Social Networking Survey has ended.... be sure to invite
your members to enter the exclusive User Group contest each month for a
chance to win three print books of choice. 


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